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chris_lo a écrit :après faut préciser que les différences ne sont pas liées qu'à des façons de piloter, y'a aussi évidemment les réglages propres à chaque auto et encore plus quand on compare 2 monoplaces de 2 équipes différentes.
“In fact, I had thought of it specifically for David,” says Nichols. “Because he used to say he didn’t like oversteer. I thought this would give him the opportunity to set up the car with quite a lot of understeer, and then balance it with the fiddle brake. He still had a foot clutch because he was an old-fashioned kind of guy! He actually refused to test it, because he thought it was weird.
“Mika was using the paddle clutch so we just went back to an extra pedal – still only three, but throttle, brake and fiddle-brake. He was very open-minded so he went out and tried it, and on his first run he went half a second a lap faster, which was pretty enormous.
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